Test Robots.txt
Are you sure your robots.txt instructions are being interpreted correctly by google? Test ’em here: https://en.ryte.com/free-tools/robots-txt/
Are you sure your robots.txt instructions are being interpreted correctly by google? Test ’em here: https://en.ryte.com/free-tools/robots-txt/
Need to superscript letters? How about needing to copy and paste special characters? CopyAndPasteSymbols.net has your back.
Need to compress, resize, or otherwise manipulate images online? Look no further. ImageResizer.com has a ton of image manipulation tools. Completely free, and no watermark. https://imageresizer.com/bulk-resize
Need to get a handle on what all pages are publicly visible on a website: XML-Sitemaps.com will identify all of the pages and generate a sitemap for free for sites up to 500 pages.
Sometimes it’s just nice to have someone (or something) looking over your shoulder when you’re crafting the perfect regex redirections. Meet Reg Ex 101. It’s an amazing online tool that will help you diagnose your regex statements and even step you through the logic that it used to debug your statement. We’re working on optimizing … Read more
Deposit Photos is now offering a tool to double the size of any image. In playing experimenting with it, it doesn’t seems like it’s as awesome as they claim. Here’s the main sample they provide. When you compare their two images, it’s amazing. There’s fine detail that’s being extrapolated. Pixelated edges have become smooth. Here’s … Read more
It looks like this could be quite a handy tool if you’re stuck with an issue that can’t coexist with the latest version of WordPress. Source: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-downgrade/ WP Downgrade | Specific Core Version has the potential for becoming one of the best-loved plugins among those, who simply cannot update to the latest WP release. In … Read more
Need a gradient? https://cssgradient.io/ (Also has color pickers, palettes, and swatches) Need a textured background? https://coolbackgrounds.io/ Specifically a triangle textured background? https://trianglify.io/ Or how about moving particles? https://marcbruederlin.github.io/particles.js/ Or wallpaper photos? https://unsplash.com/ Never have a boring background.
We’ve discovered Gutenberg Navigation Blocks — and more importantly (for any of you beating your head against the wall) the fact that you have to INSTALL the Gutenberg Plugin (even though it’s part of WP core). Apparently Navigation Blocks are not currently part of core Gutenberg, and almost all articles that talk about Gutenberg Navigation … Read more
Are you in need of a QR code? SVG QR Codes has your back. For free they’ll generate QR codes in Vector SVG or PDF and raster PNG. It also allows for a fair amount customization. Check it out!