Website Disorders

Some of the disorders that a Website Psychiatrist will look for in your site:

Dissociative Identity Disorder: Does your website convey twelve different messages instead of just one? This disorder can be manifested by websites that try to cram too many different ideas and purposes into one site. Another more subtle version of Dissociative Identity Disorder is when your web developer uses your website to show off their technical or artistic abilities rather than staying focused on your message.

Antisocial Personality Disorder: Is your website user hostile? Your website should be easy to use and the content should be easy to find. If your website frustrates your visitors, your site is exhibiting varying degrees of Antisocial Personality Disorder. Symptoms include hard to read colors and fonts, inconsistent navigation, or unrealistic user expectations.  This disorder can find its roots in either poor web development skills or website owners that are too entrenched in their own business’ terminology.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder: Do you think that if you could only lure more people to your website via Search Engine Optimization, your problems would be solved? Your website could be suffering from this disorder. The goal of search engines is to give visitors what they are looking for. If you’re too busy trying to draw attention to your site, you should perhaps be spending effort on improving the content and value of your website. This is by no means to say that Search Engine Marketing is worthless, you just need to make sure that your site is worth visiting rather than trying to trick search engines into delivering visitors.

Amnesia Disorder: This disorder manifests when businesses lose control of their domain name, resulting in expired domains, broken websites, and lost emails. Amnesia Disorder often occurs when domain renewals are forgotten, or worse, when a third party holds your domain hostage. Without proper management of your domain name, your website can disappear from the web, leaving both you and your customers confused and disconnected.

These and many other disorders can be diagnosed and corrected with the help of your Website Psychiatrist.

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