How does your WordPress server stack up?

Just found an extremely handy tool. We are assisting a new client and their WordPress install just seemed sluggish. We weren’t sure if we were imagining things or just being impatient. As we like to say: “There’s a plugin for that”, so after searching we found a plugin simply and aptly titled “Benchmark” by Mark Maunder.

These are the results we got after running “Benchmark”. I’d say we weren’t imagining things.

  Your System Industry Average
CPU Speed: 2,319 BogoWips 20,410 BogoWips
Network Transfer Speed: 3.99 Mbps 8.94 Mbps
Database Queries per Second: 162 Queries/Sec 1,354 Queries/Sec


In reviewing website content, we see that this plugin has been abandoned. We’ve found a new plugin that gives even more details than “Benchmark” did. You can find the WordPress Hosting Benchmark tool in the WordPress repository.

It’s a very thorough test, it can take 5 to 10 minutes to run. But, wow, what details. This should give anybody adequate ammunition when dealing with a slow server.

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