Color Choice Can Make the Difference on a Sale

Minuteman Press in Stow, OH offers one of the best summaries of how color affects buyers:

Whether you know it or not, your buying decisions are oftentimes based on color. The next time you’re looking at an advertisement or packaging for an item you’re considering, pay special attention to the colors you see. Observe how those colors make you feel. Once you understand the effects of color on buying habits, you can make marketing decisions based on that knowledge.

Shoppers put visual appearance and color above other factors when considering a purchase. According to research compiled by KISSmetrics, 85 percent of shoppers said color was a primary reason they made a buying decision. Additionally, 80 percent said that color increases brand recognition. Brand recognition improves consumer confidence. Before you make the next color choice for your brand, consider this:

Think of a clearance sale and you’ll be seeing red. There’s probably a good reason as red creates a sense of urgency. Red is the color energy and is known to raise your heart rate. Red usually draws attention first.

Black is the color of power, luxury, elegance and authority. Now you know why so many luxury items have black in their marketing. However, black is also associated with death and evil and can evoke strong emotions, so beware of how black will relate to your products.

The color of money, green is associated with wealth. It’s also easy on the eyes and often used as a relaxing color in stores. Light green shows change while dark green shows balance.

Blue is a color you can trust, so it’s often used in banking and business. Blue causes the body to produce chemicals that are calming. It is also associated with wisdom and loyalty. However, too much blue can make a message cold and uncaring.

If you have a call to action, orange creates the need to subscribe or buy. Orange is another energy color associated with happiness and ambition.

Stop those window shoppers with yellow. It causes your body to release the feel-good chemical, serotonin. Yellow is associated with happiness, laughter and creativity.

Purple is the color of sophistication and prosperity. It is often associated with royalty. Purple can increase brain activity that helps with problem solving.

Source: Color Choice Can Make the Difference on a Sale

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